Improvijazzation Nation, issue # 26


Improvijazzation Nation, issue # 26


Brought to you by: Zzaj Productions

D. Metcalf, 5308 65th Ave. SE, Lacey, WA 98513 




INTERVIEW with Randall Davis, Creative Service Company

Windham Hill SAMPLER

The LATEST tape from DAVID ZAX

Magical Strings

Denny Jiosa

Post Prandials

Blackmail (Sweden)

Tommy Lepson & The Lazy Boys

Bethany Curve

Deep In The Heart Of Tuva

Citizen Fish

Our Glassie Azoth


& much MUCH more!!!



Rotcod Zzaj


This was a VERY nice issue to assemble. Much new music, plenty of interaction with (many of) the artists & a nice (& thoroughly informative) interview with the prez’ of Creative Service Company! Let it not be said that D.I.Y. & independent music is “fading”…. the means of production may be different (for some artists), but there are literally HUNDREDS (if not thousands) of performers who are producing their OWN music. Of course, I like to think that ‘zines like this one have (in some small way) contributed to making sure that continues to happen! So, make SURE that you tell ALL of your playing/performing friends (particularly those who need exposure) that “I.N.” responds to their music, usually on a personal basis.

Hopefully, the election circus will spawn a rash of new music/thought, if only as a reaction to the whole idiotic process. This year (more than others) clearly highlighted (for me, anyway) how deeply embedded corruption in our society has become. In my view, the only force that can cope with all that hypocrisy is MUSIC (and clear, insightful poetry)! Hopefully, as we approach the 21st, we’ll all begin to (more clearly) see/hear the dawn of man creeping out of the sludge politics has put it in for the last 30 years! Get out & DO what you do… the revolution is IN you!



Rotcod Zzaj

David Zax: YOUR VERY OWN ALADDIN’S CAVE – Th’ latest cassette in from Zax’s “EFE” music! Nearly all th’ tapes I’ve heard from David before were “strictly studio”. On this go-round, though, there’s a BAND – in a MOST “live-“ly context! Zax & crew call ’emselves “THE FUDS”, in their appearance at the “April’s Spring Scream” music festival, in a little joint in Taipei called th’ “SCUM”. David’s raw energy (& voice) are in “full attack” mode, sort of along th’ lines of a rock-oriented “Copernicus”! Cutting-edge vox are (by now) his trademark, & he doesn’t let his fans with a slightly “jaded” sense of being down at ALL! He’s joined with Jason Leppo (lead git-ar), Frank Scott (git-ar), & Pauline (no last name) on drumz! One o’ th’ reasons why Zax is among my favorite players is that he plays at “gut level”, with no punches (EVER) pulled! His vox will reach right DOWN there & tear your (gutz, that iz) OUT! There are times when it sounds as tho’ he’d taken a whole BEAKER full of hydrochloric & sorta’ “treated” his vocal chords with it! Th’ tone of th’ music is a cross betwixt Tom Waits & Frank Zappa – but, as ever, integrated with David’s own unique style, for which there IS no “label”. Th’ lead guitar sections on this tape are VIBRANT, & compliment his music superbly. Anyone with a taste for “spoken-word” that’s in th’ NOW will want THIS one! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Contact at POB 8-198, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China. Rotcod Zzaj

Magical Strings: ISLANDS CALLING – Phillip Bolding’s celtic harp and Pam Bolding’s hammered dulcimer are the centerpieces of this delightful musical journey. Creative Service Company sent the CD in, & am I ever GLAD they did! It’s a “first listen” for me, & a very pleasant one. There are some guest artists (15 of them, list too long to include here) playing cello & other strings against the compositions, very neatly integrated, which give it a “full” sound that wouldn’t have been possible without the addition of the strings. There would be a tendency (on the part of some reviewers) to attach a “new age” label to this music – but they’d be WRONG; though it’s very relaxing and mood-oriented, the Bolding’s compositions are TRULY unique – if it HAD to have a “style” attached to it, it would be “ancient original”. This is no “meditation” CD for trendy yuppies; just too much pure ENERGY for that! I thoroughly enjoyed this musical panorama, and anyone with a taste for beauty will GET IT! MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Contact at Creative Service Company, 4360 Emerald Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Rotcod Zzaj

Denny Jiosa: INNER VOICES – Some SMOOTH jazz on this CD, in from Creative Services! Brings back some wonderful mem’ries; sittin’ ’round listenin’ to Wes Montgomery jam – WAY back when. Music, as Jiosa puts it (in the promo sheet) “straight from the heart”. His ‘lectric playing style is “sweet & low”. If yer’ lookin’ for barrages of blasting guitar, you’ll have to shop elsewhere. This is clean jazz in an original style from a player clearly in LOVE with the muse. While he quotes many influences, & sports a list of groups (B.B., Leon Russell & many other “names”) he’s either played with or opened for, it’s HIS own soft-touch guitar playing that captivates in a matter of moments! For those who want more than “background music” in their jazz – THIS CD is the TICKET! Comes MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by Zzaj! Contact at Creative Service Company, 4360 Emerald Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Rotcod Zzaj

Dan Susnara: WOULD – As many of you know by now, Dan is one of my FAVORITE players in th’ hometape/D.I.Y. world! My reviews of his many works go back as far (nearly) as the START of this magazine, over 7 years ago. He’s truly a master of the 4/8 track studio. This tape is right up there at the TOP of th’ heap. His eversteady acoustic psychedelics, solo vox & high energy will carry you over in to a bygone era and back again! The recording quality on this effort is as close to “studio-perfect” as you can get. “Would” is (as are most of his works) all original and technically flawless. With titles like “Freudproof” and “Skewered Limbaugh, served in portions”, you know in advance that he’s GOT “something to say” with his music. Another GRAND effort from an icon in the D.I.Y. world! Comes MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by Zzaj – in fact, it gets the PICK of this issue for “best folk/rock original”. Contact at 7806 S. KILPATRICK, CHICAGO, IL 60652 Rotcod Zzaj

The Queers: DON’T BACK DOWN – Th’ CD started off in a raw & hard-edged punk vein, but turned into “bubblegum” on th’ second trak! Now, that’s not th’ rockin’ git-arz I’m speakin’ of – it’s th’ lyricz on “Yummy Yummy Punk Rock Girls”. Th’ playin’ style on all th’ pieces is rawhot, sure to turn th’ punk in yer’ heart right ON; BUT, that “overshadow” of th’ Shondells (or somethin’ like that) iz’ just TOO much fer’ me to handle! There are a coupla’ cutz that sound a lot like ol’ Beach Boys, but somehow, I just don’t get th’ connexion betwixt that & a whole string o’ “m-f’ers” littered all over th’ musical soundscape! Yeh, this is “fun” music, but not for this reviewer! Production wise, it’s fine… clean recording, crisp guitars & crackle-pop drumz! Despite their liner notes, though (about bein’ th’ punk HIT o’ th’ year), this can’t get a recommended from th’ Zzaj! Zorry, boyz! Better luck next time! Contact at POB 11374, Berkeley, CA 94712, or visit their site at  Rotcod Zzaj

Reed Robins: SONGS OF JIMI HENDRIX (for solo jazz piano) – This CD, in directly from Reed (via th’ netz’, of course), is some H-O-T piano! Conceptually, it’s somethin’ I never thought of (else I’d have made it a tape myself)… take some of th’ more blooz-oriented pieces that Jimi blew us ALL away with way back when & play ’em in chop-blues jazz fashion! Tell ya’, people, Reed knew JUST what he wuz tryin’ to do! His playing is filled with sensitive energy that will make you LISTEN to th’ moods he’s exploring. That’s particularly true on pieces like “The Wind Cried Mary”, but it shines all the way through the album! His left hand is strong, not exactly “stride”, but he can SURELY keep a rhythm goin’ with it! Shades o’ Mose Allison in there, but there are sections where I hear a lil’ Silver as well! If you enjoy well-played piano (as much as I do), yer’ gonna’ LOVE this rendition of some Hendrix classics! It not only comes MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENNDED – it gets th’ PICK of this issue for “best piano”! Contact (like, NOW), at 874 Broadway, Suite 901, NYC, NY 10003-1222, or via e-mail to  Rotcod Zzaj

Gary Stroutsos: WINDS OF HONOR For many folks out in the world today, their exposure to American Indian culture & music is limited to some (poorly researched) stuff on public TV, or maybe a trip to “Joes’ Tradin’ Post” on a trip through the ‘zonas. What a SHAME! Joseph Fire Crow (reviewed two issues ago) joins Gary in a magical exploration of native music that will bring you a lot closer to nature than any “trip” ever will. Stroutsos is a MASTER on the cedar flute, who can (and will) draw you into the magic in only seconds. An interesting addition (for my ears) to the (all natural) percussion instruments are the synth keyboards, leaving the flute(s) as the lead, & forming a rhythmic counterpoint to the more traditional instruments. The percussion itself will weave a sultry web for you to wander in, too! This is a WONDERFUL musical experience; one which many “Americans” would be better off for sharing! Can’t recommend this HIGHLY ENOUGH – it’s a KEEPER, for SURE! Contact at Creative Service Company, 4360 Emerald Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Rotcod Zzaj

Post Prandials: HIGH WIRE NONET – These volkz’ve been in “I.N.” for quite some time now, improvisin’ their TAILZOFF! As th’ title implies, only th’ “danger-freaks” need apply! Keith Nicolay is central to th’ Prandials, & they’ve been at it fer’ YEARZ now! Th’ CD is not so much “music”, as it is “exploration”! I can (well) remember similar exploratory excursions out here in this majickland (OlyWa, where there’s chickenzintreez); th’ basic difference is that Nicolay & crew manage to get it (pretty) well recorded & out on to th’ CD! If you want yer’ improv raw, with a healthy SURGE now&then – this will BE yo’ trip! While th’ (stock) sax/horns are there, ‘long with a wandering bass, this is not music you’ve “heard” before… doubt th’ PLAYERS had either! Another significant difference is the penchant fer’ SYNTHESIZERS on this go-round. For many, this will be difficult to follow… but, for th’ select few out there who have grown TOTALLY bored with “reg’lar” improv – this will BE yer’ ticket! Gets a HIGHLY RECOMMENDED from Zzaj! Contact at 1953 65th, Brooklyn, NY 11204 Rotcod Zzaj

Phreeworld: PHREEWORLD – Now HERE is a rock tape worthy of th’ name! R&R on an orchestral plane! No lackluster punk/grunge (yeah, they’re from th’ great Northwest) strummin’ & screamin’ on THIS one! Th’ guitarz will weave you through the universe & back, & th’ vox will make you HEAR wotz’ bein’ said! As I sit here preparing to celebrate my 50th (goin’ on 19, don’t ya’ know?), I consider myself extremely fortunate to have music like this to sink my mind into… no “dime-store back-rack” stuff on this tape, it is rather the stuph of (fine & soaring) dreams! Man, those guitar arrangements (& the wandering bass underneath) are FINE! This is another from th’ netz, & it PROVES (beyond the shadow of a doubt) that creative & finely crafted music is still alive & WELL! I’m mightily impressed, & any in our readership who love progressive & cleanly recorded rock will too! Not only is it MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, it also gets the PICK of this issue for “best prog-oriented rock”! GRAND! Contact at . Like NOW, people! Rotcod Zzaj

…..I’ve been fortunate in getting some of the most WONDERFUL music we’ve ever had for review in from the CREATIVE SERVICES COMPANY… since they have been so gracious in providing QUALITY music, I thought it only fair to “interview” them for those in our audience who ARE producing CD’s… our hatzoff to ??? for taking the time out of his BIZ-EE schedule to field these questions for us… first, a lil’ bio material……


Randall Davis is the owner, president and executive publicist of The Creative Service Company, a publicity and public relations agency that specializes in publicizing musical artists, their albums and their tours. The PR agency can be hired by the record company, the artist or the artist’s manager. Sometimes the costs are split among the various parties. The costs include a monthly “agency service “fee” to do the work plus monthly expenses such as phonecalls, mailings, photos, etc. The Creative Service Company handles all types of music, but has built a strong reputation as one of the top firms in the country publicizing contemporary instrumental, jazz, new age, world music and folk acts.

Many of the acts the company have publicized have gone to #1 on the jazz and NAC airplay or sales charts — Jean-Luc Ponty, The Rippingtons, Steps Ahead, Acoustic Alchemy, Ray Lynch, David Lanz, Sam Riney, Steve Kindler, Pat Coil, Bill Cunliffe, Dan Siegel, David Arkenstone, Doug Cameron, Tuck & Patti, Billy Joe Walker Jr., Kilauea, Keiko Matsui, etc. Other clients have included Jesse Colin Young, Judy Collins, Paul Winter, Suzanne Ciani, Tangerine Dream, Paul Horn, Wind Machine, Peter Kater, Tony Campise, CHI, Kazumi Watanabe, Danny Wright, Tim Weisberg and Jim Chappell.

For each album project, the agency receives a three-month initial commitment to be able to fully maximize media coverage. A list of 400 media is hand-selected and then called persistently to push for reviews, interviews, features, photos and column items. Written reports and clippings are furnished to the client on a weekly basis. Davis directs the activities by calling on his experience and expertise acquired during his more than two decades of involvement with the entertainment business as a journalist, record company executive and independent publicist. He began his professional career as a reporter and entertainment editor at the Pasadena Star-News, a twice-daily newspaper where he wrote a weekly music column for four years. After a year traveling around the country as a professional musician, he joined Capitol Records and worked for two years as the National Manager of Press & Editorial Services. He spent the following five years as Capitol’s National Director of Merchandising and Advertising in charge of everything from posters to videos. Davis then worked as National Marketing Services Manager for Walt Disney Home Video where he oversaw all packaging, advertising, printed materials and publicity. Davis became an executive at two different PR agencies, one corporate and one music-oriented. He opened The Creative Service Company ten years ago.

Zzaj: Since working with your company, I’ve noticed a VERY high rate of quality, especially in the selection of various artists

and styles. How do you go about achieving that?

CSC: I wish I could say that I search out only the very best musicial artists and beg them to work with me. The reality is that I search for new business many ways (calling contacts, sending out flyers, etc.), but most clients come to us through word-of-mouth and referals from other people we have worked with. However, even though this is a business and we have to pay the bills, we only agree to publicize acts/albums that have recorded music that we like. We figure that if we like the music, probably many journalists (and in turn their audience) will too.

Zzaj: This is a “DO IT YOURSELF” magazine/newsletter. Is there any chance for “D.I.Y.’er’s” to be included in the music(s) you promote? If so, how can they get “in”? If not, why not?

CSC: We consistently work with Do It Yourself-ers who have recorded their own album, manufactured it and set up distribution. The main item to keep in mind is that marketing an album on a national level is fairly expensive for sales support, advertising, radio promotion, retail promotion and publicity. Do It Yourself-ers who want to tackle it need to have the finances, either themselves or from financial backers. An artist or small record company can get started with any amount of money, but after the album is recorded and manufactured, the costs of the national marketing that I just mentioned (to launch a new album) start at about $20,000 total with publicity representing $5,000 to $7,000 of that. Of course, not every record company pursues every possible type of marketing. Sometimes you have to pick and choose.

Zzaj: How many people do you have publicizing musicians?

CSC: Three. There’s myself and two fulltime publicists. We also have a fulltime office manager, who is a behind-the-scenes person.

Zzaj: Give us a “day in the life” scenario for (one or more) of your publicists, please!

CSC: Get up, brush your teeth, feed the cat…oh, you mean at work! About 75% of the job is phonework, calling media all over the country and talking to them about the projects we are working on. The rest of the time we are doing typical office work — typing, filing, mailing, etc. We also send media e-mail, faxes, letters, postcards, teasers and a wide variety of promotional materials to call their attention to our artists and albums.

Zzaj: How much time do you wind up spending on any single CD?

CSC We are careful to only take on a small handful of projects at any one time. Usually we are only working on four or five. The most we ever take on would be eight. In that case, I would be working on all eight, but each publicist would be helping me with four each. Regardless of the scenario, we structure it so our clients have several people concentrating on each project. A minimum of 30 staff hours of work take place on each project each week of a campaign.

Zzaj: Since CD “burners” are hitting the market now (& in view of the potential of the INTERNET for self-promotion), do you see any drastic changes coming up for promotional companies like yours?

CSC No drastic ones. The world is constantly evolving and so is music publicity. We use the Internet more now than (even) a year ago. The Internet and the Web are great ways to access information. However, there are still many bugs to be worked out with these new forms of communication (and the computers that access them). While we have added these new communication outlets, we haven’t stopped postal mailings and phonecalls. It all works! The more, the better!

Zzaj: What benefits does an artist draw from going through a promotional company (as opposed to doing it “totally” on their own)?

CSC: The only reasons to do it yourself would be total control and lack of money. There are many reasons to use a professional. A PR agency with ten years experience has great lists, many personal media contacts and vast experience. The bio (a publicist’s main tool) can usually be written better by a trained publicity writer (for example, I have written more than 2,000 bios in my career). We know what a “media pitch letter” is and the best way to construct one. In addition, an artist seldom has the time and energy to be creative AND handle the business of publicity. Publicity is very time-consuming and requires many hours on the phone.

ZzaJ: What are the (possible) DRAWBACKS of using a publicity agency?

CSC: When interviewing a PR agency, make sure they seem sincerely excited about your music. If they aren’t, they probably will just take your money and not be very effective. Don’t hesitate to ask for references. It’s also important that the PR agency you choose is very experienced with the type of music you make. We live in a world of specialization. Make sure you get frequent verbal reports and weekly written reports.

Zzaj: I haven’t heard too many “live” albums from CSC? Do you only work with “studio” musicians?

CSC: We work with all types of musicians and have publicized several live concert albums — most recently Michael Martin Murphey’s “Sagebrush Symphony” album recorded with a full symphony orchestra.

Zzaj: Are the musicians you’re working with now more talented than (let’s say) 5 or 10 years ago?

CSC: Some are more talented and some are less talented. The appreciation of talent, of course, is extremely subjective. Sometimes newcomers without much training create wonderful music, very simple, very passionate. Other times highly-trained artists who have been recording albums for years do a project where it seems like they are just going through the motions. There are infinite possibilities. One thing that has increased dramatically is sound quality in the digital age, even on demos, and the ability for so many artists to create reasonably-priced but high quality home studios. Also, computers and synthesizers give any artist a huge selection of sounds so that anyone can immediately have behind them a string quartet, a Japanese wooden flute or a Philipine gamelan orchestra. But it’s not what you have, it’s what you do with what you have.

Randall Davis can be contacted at The Creative Service Company by calling 719-548-9872 or e-mailing 

BE: 18 – This ROCKIN’ lil’ group sent their tape, 18, in for review, as a result of net contact (SO much more frequent these days, eh?)! Started off down Louisiana way, ’bout 13 years ago. Liner notes proclaim the usual “tight-band” thangs – with a DIFFERENCE! This really IS tight! Three brothers & a drummer that KICK! There’s a diversity of styles, alla’ way from near-metal to Yes-like orchestrals, that are executed with razor-sharp PRECISION! Don’t let that make ya’ think that these boyz’re locked in to a studio-hype no-life playin’ situation, though…. this kinda’ energy can ONLY come from deep DOWN, where th’ human CONDITION resides. This is a FANTASTIC little tape, with some great music for MANY tastes! It comes MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED from Zzaj, as an example of that ol’ “great-Ammurican” musical ethic that D.I.Y. is really all ABOUT! Contact at POB 3793, Fayettville, Arkansas 72702-3793, or via e-mail to  (they’ve got a WWW site at , too!) Rotcod Zzaj

The Rhyme of Prince Leander: CHAP – We’ve gone for many months now with little in the way of poetry/chapbooks for review, but (according to Griffith H. Williams, who composed this little chap) the 1997 edition of Poet’s Market is out, & “I.N.” was in it! (So, perhaps you’ll see a bit MORE poetry in future issues). The poetry Griffith has made his labour of love is most interesting, detailing his feelings about sacrifice in the interests of revolution, with a most unique flavor. What was even MORE interesting to this reviewer, however, was the assemblage of the chap… linoleum-carved blocks for the graphics, hand-set type, & a cast-iron machine for the actual printing. A 10 page poetic work of art! Most interesting, & an enchanting (albeit brief) read as well! Contact at East Point Press, 15524 81st Ave NE., Bothell, WA 98011-4401 Rotcod Zzaj

Brian Reinbolt: BATHTUB CURVE – What an intersting collection of musics THIS CD is, folks! Brian has generated (Roland D-550 synth) 14 of the most unique pieces of music I’ve ever heard, totalling up to over an hour of wonderful listening experience for even the most JADED improv aficionado; one of my FAVORITE pieces was “SNORT”, self-described as “a dance for neo-primitive pierced robot”. Artifact Recordings has DONE it (again)… this is the genuine article, for those who can’t get enough of electronic compositional wizardry! There are sections which remind me of some pieces I’ve heard Tomita do, but with a “twist”;then again, there are sections that remind me of some of the finest moments on CD’s/tapes released by Transmuseq. There are some who would relegate this to “background” music, but if one takes the time to soak up the fine textures on display for your mind, you’ll find that it’s got far more substance than most on the market today! Comes MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED from Zzaj! Contact at Artifact Recordings, 1374 Francisco St., Berkeley, CA 94702, or via e-mail to  Rotcod Zzaj

Blackmail: FEMALE IMPERSONATOR – Not sure where that title came from (tho’ itz’ th’ title trak), but these (young) boyz’re ROCKIN’ out… got THIS ol’ phart’s newly emplaced molars shakin’ back&forth in iz’ gullet, ennyway! They’re from Sweden, & there must be SOME kind o’revolution goin’ on up THERE! S-T-R-O-N-G git-arz, heavy kick-drumz, just won’t QUIT! They’ve got a real strong sense of balance, for lack of a better word! What I like most ’bout this trio is that even tho’ they’re playin’ some fairly standard LICKZ, they have a definite o-r-i-g-i-n-a-l flavor. While this won’t be for everybody, if yer’ got an OUNCE of gumption (left) in yer’ blood, get up OFF yer’ duff & check BLACKMAIL out! Come HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by thee Zzaj! Contact via e-mail to  Rotcod Zzaj

Furious George: GOES APE! – Lookout Records haz done it AGAIN! Sent us a package of (yeah, COUNT it) no less than 5 CD’s. My boy saw th’ bright yellow cover with “Furious George” hoppin’ about, & said, “I wanna’ hear THAT one”, so itz’ th’ first to get listened to. Horribly sped-up guitarz, sounds like about double-pace, clangin’ & slammin’ yer’ head around… har! har! har! If you ain’t been “punked” before (listening to this) – you have NOW, Andy! ‘s some FUN music, but I wouldn’t recommend a steady diet, as yer’ hipz might shake/boogie right OFF! Biggest drawback wuz it’s short length… only four toonz on this CDEP/7″. Ah, well, I was done listenin’, anyway! For those who MUST have their punk-rock, this is kewl… think I’ll pass, tho’! Andy kinda’ liked it. Rotcod Zzaj

The Bad Boys of Blues and Friends: LIVE AT THE SAVANNAH – Git’ dem slip-slidin’ suedes OUT boyz&gurlz, thee B-A-D boys gonna’ ROCK ya’ with their brand o’ blooz! Ain’t often I get ta’ hear good blues like Michael Bay & crew play on this splendid CD. Bay’s lead guitar is ROCKIN’, wailin’ & CRYIN’ on all o’ these toonz, I’ll tell you! Th’ undertones kind of remind me of another favorite blues player of mine, one Catfish Hodge, but there’s a more “jazzy” feel on th’ leads, maybe just coz’ it was taped live, not sure; one thing I do KNOW – ya’ can’t get musical energy like this goin’ ‘less you BEEN there! Whether it’s sweet hummin’ on “God Bless The Child”, or that jazzy (& MIGHTY well-played) harp on “All Blues”, it all KICKZ, volkz! BAD ain’t all there is, this is jus’ plain WICKED blues that we wanna’ hear MORE of! Like NOW! In fact, not only does this group get a MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, it also gets th’ PICK of this issue for BEST blues! MUCH fine music here; DON’T pass this one up! Contact at 1652 N. High St., Columbus, Ohio 43201, or via e-mail to  Rotcod Zzaj

Tommy Lepson (& The Lazy Boys): READY FOR THIS? – This musta’been BLOOZ month, people! BIG MO Records sent this new CD in from Tommy & th’boys! We reviewed another, called “Live & Durty”, back in issue #21… to be perfectly honest, I enjoyed that one a lil’better’n this time ’round, but that was prob’ly just coz’ a LIVE recording always seems to come across as more full-bodied, ‘specially when it’s gut-wrenching blues bein’ wailed. Tommy’s ol’Hammond still KRANKZ, tho’, & for those who really DIG th’blues, this is a MUST have! Some nice guitar leads, too, tho'(once again), I thought th’live CD had a lil’more OOMPH than this (assumed) studio-produced one! Anyway, however ya’look at it, ain’t much better than WELL-played blues, & Lepson & crew have got THAT down in SPADES! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Contact at “Big Mo Records”, RR 1, Box 389 C, Norwich, VT, 05055 Rotcod Zzaj

Ed’s Too Short: EVERYTHING’S SMALL – Self-termed “LOUD FOLK” by thee “mainman”, Marcos Alves, there’s some WAY-KEWL electric-oriented folk music on this (first) full-length CD (in from Birdcage records. Th’ ‘lectricity coursing through their music (I’m not talkin’ ’bout AC/DC, either) will have yer’blood PUMPING! These boys have th’potential to start ‘nother 60’s revo-movement… high-quality lyrical style, & a DRIVEN playing that just DEMANDS to be played LOUD! We DO wanna’ hear MORE from “Ed’s Too Short”, I’ll TELL ya’. Gets a MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for those with (even the slightest) orientation towards electric folk-rockin’. Contact at POB 784, Sierra Madre, CA 91024-0784 (Birdcage Records), via e-mail to , or at their page –  Rotcod Zzaj

Kevin Locke: OPEN CIRCLE – Kevin Locke is Lakota traditional-style flute player, had produced a literally AMAZING musical experience on this grand CD (in from Creative Service Company). You’ve seen (over the past few months) that CSC has treated us to some wonderful native players, including Joseph Firecrow, Vasquez & many others. What sets Locke apart (in this reviewer’s ear) is his background in dance & the arts. His vision of “building a sustainable, unified, global civilization” that “will cherish the nobility of the human spirit” is most clearly illustrated in the aural realm. There are “quieter” stretches, but his skillful images of souls “content” (through a masterful integration of calming wood flutes and highly-energetic percussives) paints vistas heretofore unimagined by many in this country. How I wish that some of those militia members so bent on destruction could sit down for 10 minutes and listen to “Open Circle”. Talk about “soothing the savage”. This is a WONDERFUL musical journey that ALL should share. Certainly gets a MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED from th’ Zzaj; in fact, it gets the PICK of this issue for “best inspirational”. Contact at Creative Service Company, 4360 Emerald Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80918, or via e-mail to  Rotcod Zzaj

Jaws Of The Flying Carpet: LIVE AT THE WHIPPING POST – No ’bout adoubt it – THESE boyz’ NEEDED a “whippin'”… J.O.T.F.C. have been making some of the most INSANE music (they call it UGLY music) you’ve ever HEARD – for the last TWENTY years or so! This, however, was a first for my aural appendages… caught in the ACT – LIVE! Heavy guitars, zany keyboards (by a dood callin’ himself “Bottomless Pit”), roving drums & a host of hornz are the underpinnings for some WACKED “post-Zappa” madnesses that will have future historians scratchin’ their (collective) heads WELL into the 22nd! For those who love a lil’ “ROMP” in their music, & thrive on ADVENTURE, this tape is an absolute MUST HAVE! Gets a MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED from thee Zzaj! Contact at 6397 Glen Knolls Dr., Orleans, Ont., Canada, K1C 2W9 Rotcod Zzaj

Sunburst Lovezap: DEMO – This 4-song EP (tape) shows off thee Lovezap’s best material (I suppose). Heavy git-arz against dynamo-hum-style drumz. Bass underpins quite nicely. While this music is not “bad”, it doesn’t have th’same energy levels of some of th’ more heavy-metal oriented groups we’ve gotten through here lately. Oh, ya’know, everything is THERE – it’s just that (picture this) it SOUNDS like a demo, rather than th’ hard-edge from th’ gut that I (& many others) prefer in this kind of music. Still, worth a try, as it’s apparent that THEY love what they’re doing! Lil’ less bass onna’mix next time, boyz! Contact at POB 1633, Scottsdale, AZ 85252, or via e-mail to  Rotcod Zzaj

The Sabri Brothers: YA MUSTAPHA – From Pakistan, we’ve got SUFI music supreme! “No Problem” Productions sent this in, under the Green Linnet Records Inc label. According to the liners (if they’re accurate), the Sabri Brothers are traceable back through 4 centuries to the great court musicians of East Punjab, India. There are some who will find this a difficult listen. It sounds almost completely percussion-based, aside from the strong (and at times, near overwhelming) vocals. If you listen closely, though, there is an interweaving of MANY other instruments; harmonium, electric bass & many others. A large part of the purpose for this magazine, however, is to expose you to musics you might not otherwise hear. “No Problem Productions” has found a true GEM in this one. There’s a real sense of a true/clear understanding of the universal role of voices with percussives in this highly energetic music. True celebration of life and the living of it. & this reviewer LOVED it! Comes MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED – contact at 832 Pavonia Ave., Jersey City, NJ 07306-3904, or via e-mail to  Rotcod Zzaj

Fire On The Mountain: REGGAE CELEBRATES THE GRATEFUL DEAD – Huh? Did this come from th’underbelly of th’ “Wal-Mart” binz? You might think so if ya’ looked at th’ jewel case liner. It IS an interesting mix, to be sure. Mebbe’ thee ghost o’ Jerry creepin’ back to invade th’ earth? You’ll have ta’ be (either) a staunch reggae fan, or a dyed-in-thee-wool “Deadhead” to get WITH this. Since I’m neither, I can only render a “musical” opinion… it’s well-performed, & some of th’ chord changes that Garcia’s pieces took them through are HARD to accomplish within th’ reggae format… executed flawlessly! My favorite was one called “Touch of Grey”, performed by the “Mighty Diamonds”. In the overall, I’d give this a RECOMMENDED (but only if you already enjoy Grateful Dead music). Contact at 832 Pavonia Ave., Jersey City, NJ 07306-3904, or via e-mail to  Rotcod Zzaj

Bethany Curve: SKIES A CROSSED SKY – What a change of pace THIS one is! In from Unit Circle Rekkids (Seattle), this CD expands on the brief listen I had to “Curve” on UCR’s “Nocturne Concrete”, only a month or so ago. This Santa Cruz based group (according to the liners) “strive towards making mood music above the norm”. No KIDDING! Though quite atmospherically inclined, there’s still enough rhythm down under to keep your listening focussed! Sort of like the “Moody Blues”, post-2000. Clean/clear recording will only add to your aural pleasure. One of the more interesting aspects is the use of guitar-based melodic patterning as a synth emulation. Now, maybe THEY didn’t intend that interpretation, but it surely FELT like it. This music reaches for the outermost points of our galaxy (and beyond), and ACHIEVES it! Fortunately for YOU, it’s available for you to cruise along with. WATCH this group… they’re GOING somewhere! SOON! Comes MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by th’Zzaj! Contact at POB 20352, Seattle, WA 98102, or via e-mail to  Rotcod Zzaj

Deep In The Heart Of Tuva: COWBOY MUSIC FROM THE WILD EAST – For those who think they’ve heard “everything” comes this CD (from ellipsis arts)! In fact, I thought it was a brand new experience for ME…. until I thought back over some of the performances I’d heard Arrington Dionyso do, right here in Olympia. “Throat-singing” is a style unique to the Tuvan people, shepherds who reside where the mountains of Siberia meet Outer Mongolia. The CD is packaged with a (rather) LARGE book that gives you a thorough background of the Tuvan people. At first listen (for most American listeners), it will be a SHOCKING style, bringing to mind images of “troll things” or leprechauns, I’d imagine. This is not music for those without (MUCH) adventure in their souls… but for those willing to walk the winding path, you’ll be rewarded with a most unique and challenging listen that brings you closer to understanding the TRUE diversity of human musical endeavor; not only does this come MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, it gets the PICK of this issue for “most unique and challenging musical experience”. Hey, “ellipsis”, send us MORE! Contact at ellipsis arts, 20 Lumber Rd., Roslyn, NY 11576-9894, or via e-mail to  Rotcod Zzaj

The Band That Should Not Be: THE BAND THAT SHOULD NOT BE – Kind of a neat lil’tape in here from Kingston, Ontario. Sort of folk-oriented, lots of acoustic strummin’, pickin’ & grinnin’; there ARE some rock stretches as well. Definitely D.I.Y., & with a high enough energy-level to earn it a RECOMMENDED. Prob’ly could have gotten a bit higher kudo, had it not been for the synth-loop stuph, & the poor vocal miking. What “rescued” it from the “oblivion”stak is similarities to many neat toonz I’ve heard comin’ from underground hero Don Campau! Contact at Bob 042, 110-204 Queen Mary, Kingston, Ontario Canada K7M 2A9, or via e-mail to  Rotcod Zzaj

Brickpit: NASCAR YANKOVIC – Back to thee ROOTS o’ D.I.Y., I reckon. Mad synth against percz (actually one o’those annoying drum mo-chines) & vox, many performed live. This Philly-based “gang of three” plays purely (and simply) for th’ FUN of it! Many of the cuts are live at a coffee house just outside of Philadelphia (Glenside). Th’ audience reaction shows that they joined in th’ “spirit” & let it LOOSE! While I wouldn’t recommend this for the “serious” musician, those who want their music to be F-U-N & without pretense will enJOY this. Cheezsynth, some nice ‘lectric guitar undertones & vox that are definitely from the “homespun” side o’ thee trax all blend together for a pleasant interlude. If yer’ real “high-tech” oriented, you prob’ly won’t get off on this. Aside from th’ answering machine loopstuph, this gets a HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for those who enJOY the self-produced. Check ’em out at brickpit, 20 Curry Lane, Horsham, PA 19044, or via e-mail to  Rotcod Zzaj

Bernie Krause: NOTES FROM THE WILD – This CD is another VERY unique experience in from “ellipsis arts” (and the publicity agent, “No Problem Productions”). Over the years, I’ve listened to MANY “nature”recordings, but I’ve never heard one that drew me in as deeply (and as immediately) as Krause’s “Notes From The Wild”. One reason it’s so intriguing is the 40-page BOOK accompanying the CD; another is the intimate attention to the details of the world we live in that Bernie paints with those words; the MAIN reason, however, is the totally STIMULATING sonic adventure he has rendered on this CD. If you’ve strayed away from those wonderful moments in the woods (or the jungle, perhaps) and submerged yourself in the jingle-jangle TV generated abyss our world can sometimes (seem to) be, this sonic beauty is something you will NEED to experience. One of the reasons my wife & I chose to settle in the great Northwest is that some of that natural experience has (somehow) been preserved. Bernie Krause has captured it (nearly) PERFECTLY, making a work of sonic art that has (in my experience) NO equal. This gets my MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED rating, and the PICK of this issue for “best sonic art”. Contacellipsis arts, 20 Lumber Rd., Roslyn, NY 11576-9894, or via e-mail to  Rotcod Zzaj

Nighthawks: PAIN & PARADISE – Big Mo Records sent this GREAT blooz CD in; they’re one o’th’HOTTEST blues labels around today, & “Pain & Paradise” certainly continues that tradition. Leads off with a FAVORITE toon o’ mine, “Trouble Comin’ Every Day”, by Uncle Frank (as in Zappa). Some FINE guitar work by Pete Kanaras on that one, & then “Shade Tree Mechanic” starts off with some CLASSIC harp work by lead vocalist Mark Wenner. If yer’ achin’ inside & need a remedy, these Nighthawks will be just th’ RIGHT perscription! Lowdown & funky all th’way from cut 1 to 10, they’ll have ya’realizin’ (by th’ second cut) that you ain’t th’ONLY one with “them ol’blooz”. Gets a MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, without doubt! Contact at “Big Mo Records”, RR 1, Box 389 C, Norwich, VT, 05055 Rotcod Zzaj

Shplang: JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF MIRTH – Birdcage Records had this CD in a package from about a month ago. Just now gettin’ ’round to listening. As you might gather from th’title, these boyz (Peter Marson, John Krause & newly added drummer Brian Cannizzaro (on the bonus trax only)) can poke musical fun with th’best of ’em! Not only is the music EXCELLENT, it’s TOTALLY D.I.Y., having been mastered on a TASCAM, at home. Alternative rockin’ with that D.I.Y. energy EDGE! Recording is clean/crisp, & their collective playing style is far from “standard”, standing out as a SHINING example of just what can be done with that good ol’ R&R, when it’s played from thee HEART, & doesn’t rely on th’ FORMAT! Comes HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for those with an ear for exploratory rock with a twist of original folk! Contact at POB 784, Sierra Madre, CA 91024-0784 (Birdcage Records), via e-mail to , or at their page –  Rotcod Zzaj

Our Glassie Azoth: OUR GLASSIE AZOTH – Thick, dense as morning fog in thee “Great Nor’westerlies”, this tape takes you on a sonic journey you won’t soon forget, but may be hard-pressed to remember. Somethin’ th’ druids’d be proud of, aye, laddies. In, in fact from AlpaneMoon, POB 22, LampeTer, Credington, Wales SA488YD, prob’ly in th’ vicinity of some great ruins. Liner notes give little clue as to th’ “nature” of this beast, but those strongly attracted to mood music for the 22nd Century will follow th’ synthweaves like a lamb to slaughter. The pieces are long and genuinely satisfying, but must be listened to in their ENTIRETY to appreciate their intent. The second piece (Wierdstone) is a bit too “high-end” for me, in the sense of “screech”, synthwise, anyway. In the balance, those in to ambient exploratorys will agree with me that this deserves a HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Contact at the address shown above. Rotcod Zzaj

Ken Clinger: KCOLLAB.06/.07 – Those familiar with the history of D.I.Y. will immeidately recognize the Clinger moniker as one who has been intimately involved on “the scene” for MANY years now – but that doesn’t mean he sits on his “laurels”. Man seens to be obsessed with a need to make music (sound familiar?). On this outing, he’s joined by MANY others in th’community, all splendidly (as per usua)… Furgas, Carmen, Salvatore, Campau, Fioretti, just to name a few. His music defies description, especially in these collaborative settings. At times “folkish”, at others falling into that “Bovine” realm that Ken long ago established. For ANYONE interested in hearing just what can be done with imagination & high energy with fairly simple instrumentation, vocals (both sung and voxovers), this is MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Contact at Bovine Productions, 311 Stratford Ave #2, Pittsburgh, PA 15232-1108 Rotcod Zzaj

Citizen Fish: THIRST – Punk personified on this LOOKOUT RECORDS effort, LP/CD. Now, e’en tho’ you’ve heard me downplay some punk before, I can appreciate good rockin’ ANY TIME I hear it… & this is some fine stuph! An intermix of reggae (mightily sped up, of course) & punk “ethic” makes for a MOST interesting combo. This group has toured extensively (maybe even surreptitiously?) through the States, apparently from WAY back in thee ’80’s. Able to skip/hop back & forth from clear-bass supported reggae to stinging/nasty git-ar SCREAMIN’, they made me enJOY their mayhem. MUCH fun, & if you’ve been sorta’ itchin’ to try out a bit o’ “punk”, with some musical savvy/finesse, THIS is yer’ ticket. Comes MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED fer’ rippin’ th’ roof off! Contact at POB 11374, Berkeley, CA 94712, via e-mail to , or at their site:  Rotcod Zzaj

Star.Star: STAR PERIOD STAR – You will undoubtedly believe, on the first trak o’this debut CD, that yer’ earz’are (once again) being “abused” by yet ‘nother “dirge-rock”band! NOTHING could be further from thee truth! Some VERY challenging R&R here, right after they break out of th’ dirge/screech mode on th’intro to “The Suspense Is Killing Me”. Star.Star is from Chicago, one of it’s founding members being Dan Sweigert, who is great pals with one of my favorite collaborators on th’ D.I.Y. scene, Dan Susnara. Sweigert’s guitar (along with work from Rolly Cesar) is ASTOUNDING, high energy that MAKES you rock! Chris Block’s bass forms a very solid foundation for music that’s well-founded & crisp! Many rock traditions explored here, a really nice blend of styles that are only enhanced by th’ group’s ORIGINAL flavor. This one comes MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by Zzaj for those with any inclination to ROCK OUT! Contact at POB 7171, Rosemont, IL, 60018 Rotcod Zzaj

neXt rAdio: THE ESCADRILLE – Back to th’ ROOTS o’ D.I.Y. Tom Sutter’s group, nExt rAdio, is an enchanting blend of near-rock, near-jazz & clear energy! They were reviewed (a couple or three issues back) quite favorably. Actually, the recording on “ESCADRILLE” seems to be better/more audible. Some STRONG guitar work, in the context of a hyped-up, almost Sonny Sharrock-like, high energy wanderments. VERY musical, a definite KEEPER (please note that only a FEW tapes appearing in these pages get THAT distinction). If you’ve never heard high-end rock/jazz before, & want a GRAND place to start your adventuresome journey – GET THIS! Contact at GET IT at 8701 Crocus Ln., St. Louis, MO 63114 or via e-mail to  Rotcod Zzaj

K.D. Schmitz: OLD MOTHER BLENDER – K.D.’s tape on this outing is the latest in a series of “spoken-word” outings. This one too closely resembles those old “radio/answering-machine” loopthings for me to enjoy it (nearly) as much as, say, “The Clownward Spiral” (a CLASSIC D.I.Y. tape by K.D., reviewed only a couple of issues back). Still, his use of a little girl (?hiz?) to help him “tell th’ tale” is quite enchanting. Tho’ it’s not (what I consider to be) his best effort, it’s still imaginative and energetic enough to garner a RECOMMENDED for any/all interested in hearing what’s GOING ON in this ol’ D.I.Y. world! Contact at POB 1806, Poughskeepie, NY 12601 Rotcod Zzaj

Round & A Distant Few: A LIGHTER SHADE OF GRAY – Ron’s group was reviewed in these pages earlier in the summer. This tape has quite a few of th’ same toonz on it, albeit recorded in a more “professional” venue. Fairly “standard” alterna-rock. The highlight is Round’s vox on nearly all the cutz. This comes pretty close to what you’d hear on yer’local college-rock station, methinks! Guitar/synth/drumz in high-energy mode. Those who need somethin’ to “rock on down th’ road” with will enJOY this one! Though I didn’t think it came across as kickazz as th’ first tape he sent in, it still gets a RECOMMENDED. Contact at POB 36, Essexville, MI 48732 Rotcod Zzaj

Kathode Ray Music: MONEY TALKS… AND SEX SELLS – Don’t know WHO they’ve got doing th’ trak selection for these compilation CD’s – but, whoEVER it is… they’ve got a RADAR for pieces that FIT together! R&R in th’ CLASSIC tradition, you’ll hear pieces from some of today’s MOST independent bands. Kathode Ray has been reviewed here quite often (over the last year), always in a positive light. This outing doesn’t stick very closely with the jacket theme, but that makes little difference, as it’s the MUSIC that counts… &, alla’ way from near-metal to folk/rockin’, they’ve GOT it down – in SPADES (The time on this monster is somewhere near EIGHTY minits)! If yer’lookin’ for improvisation, you’ll have to go elsewhere; but if what you want is NEW rock&roll, THIS comes MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Contact (like, NOW) at 1487 W. Firth Ave., #205, Columbus, OH 43212 Rotcod Zzaj

Sonar Map: SONAR MAP, issue # 2 – This lil’ standard-size ‘zine has a LOT goin’ for it. Authoritative articles by people who KNOW what they’re talking about (Ed Chang, “The Barbaric/Complex Nature of Free Improv Music), some neat interviews & a FANTASTIC, though far too brief, reviews section. The writing is “off-handed”, but not amateur, and insightful! They don’t appear to be “out in left field”(like MANY of th’ ‘zines these days), & have a real down-to-earth viewpoint that kicked up my interest levels right away! I’d like to see the reviews section EXPAND, & th’ ads cut down; but, alas, with the cost of printing these days, I’m sure the ads are a necessary evil. Every tape I’ve sent to date has been listened to (though not all of them were reviewed yet; maybe next issue). A great little ‘zine that I hope takes OFF! Had a chance to chat with reviewer Shawn Mediaclast this month… very personable & (seemed to be) knowledgeable! Contact at POB 25243, Eugene, OR 97402, or via e-mail to  Rotcod Zzaj

Windham Hill: OCCASIONAL SAMPLER – This gem CD is slanted towards winter and the Christmas season, with some grand artists from “the Hill” presenting new recordings for you to consider purchase. George Winston, of course, is a natural for such a grouping, but he’s joined by Liz Story, Michael Hedges & many others in a celebration of some of the more notable CD albums Windham currently has on release. NICE… very nice! Some would say that this kind of affair is just WAY too “commercial”, but it didn’t feel that way at ALL! Pleasant, relaxing & gives you a great feel for some CD’s that you MIGHT just run out & buy after hearing the samplers. What’s REALLY nice is that they didn’t cut the songs off in the middle… almost 40 cuts on here, made a nice part of an afternoon! Contact at POB 5501, Beverly Hills, CA 90211-2713 Rotcod Zzaj

Serah: VOICE OF AMETHYST (A Carol For All Seasons) – What a NICE CD. Normally, in this D.I.Y. publication, that kind of recommendation would mean the kiss of DEATH! In this instance, though, Serah (Creative Service Company handles her promotion) has done a splendid job of making some beautiful music that follows a seasonal theme. In fact, all the pieces (but one) are original compositions. She’s made it an experience that you’ll want to remember. In truth, I liked this CD better than “Out Of The Wind”, the last one we reviewed by her. I’m not normally a fan of such “new age” music – it comes off as too “syrupy” & plastic. She’s maintained a WONDERFUL balance here, though, & it MAKES the GRADE! Gets (certainly) a MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED from this reviewer! Contact through the Creative Service Company, 4360 Emerald Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Rotcod Zzaj

Guess that will about WRAP the reviews for this issue! The next issue may not come out until January ’97, as I’ve got some job/personal eommittments that may take precedence. Tell ALL your musical/poetic friends to SEND their material our way, though! We WANT to expose their music to the world… in point of fact, what we REALLY want to do is make home-produced music SO attractive that (even) the mass-mold minds will forego their trip to thee local Wal-Mart racks, in favor of quality music – FOREVER! We realize that we may not meet that goal in the (very) near future.. but it surely CAN’T hurt to keep trying, eh? KEEP ON D.I.Y.¡n!

Rotcod Zzaj




D.I.Y. News

There’s SO much happening in the D.I.Y. world right now that it’s hard (even for ol’ webhounds like me) to keep up with! All of the news below is extracted from Bryan Baker’s “D.I.Y. Report”, available on the web, or via e-mail. Firstly, wanted to mention Bryan’s new CD project (I’m submitting to it… so should YOU):

We’ve been busy here at GAJOOB with a couple projects of interest to do-it-yourself recording artists. First is GAJOOB’s first compilation CD,

The Smell of Success. You can find more info on the web at . We are currently accepting submissions from DiY artists on cassette, DAT and CD. With your submission, please include a short bio and any pertinent copyright and performance right info, as well as a snapshot. We expect the CD to be ready for release the first part of 1997. Submissions should reach us no later than mid to late November, so if you’re interested please hurry!

& NOW, just a few more extracts from THE DIY REPORT; so you can see the VARIETY of information you can get from it… ANY artist who is involved in the creation of music should check out some of these sites… be SURE & mention that you saw them via Bryan, ok?


A CHRISTIAN MUSIC SUPER-SITE is at . Christian music albums, artist sites and directory, Christian music news, festivals, concerts, Gospel Music Association, Christian music media and more.

TRIQUETRA RECORDS is a new indie label based in Lower Bucks County. ‘If you like new music, please try one of our CDs…they’re cheap & they’re cool…we are also accepting demos for all kinds of music…our address follows this article….Contact: Triquetra Records, PO Box 7360, Penndel, PA 19047, or call as at 215-639-3389 (leave a message) or fax us at 215-639-7332

WONDERLAND RECORDS carries releases by bands like Mighty Purple, Gravityhead, Flood #9, Sylph and others. Ask for their handy catalog filled with music, stickers, t-shirts and other things. contact: Wonderland Records, 374 Treadwell St., Hamden, CT 06514; e-mail: ; URL: .”

Be SURE & POINT yer’browser to:  to find out more about Bryan’s EXCITING and INFORMATIVE page(s)!


Well, we’ve just witnessed it again… hundreds of millions of dollars being poured in to advertisements, slogans and (general) propaganda for the MACHINE! It’s not only sad to see such ridiminous excess, it’s CRIMINAL!

We have reports of children in Africa who don’t even have enough WATER to last the day out, as well as stories about children who are being exploited all OVER the world. Overworked, raped and without the very BASIC essentials for life… and these politicos are spending E-N-O-R-M-O-U-S sums of money (some of it ours, some of it theirs and much of it from the very countries who promote/tolerate such criminal behavior towards kids) tossing various and sundry charges at each other.

This must STOP! I’ve said it before (& I know I’ll say it over and OVER again)… there should BE no elected officials. I’m not suggesting that we need NO government… all you have to do is watch the news (OR the stoo-pid talk shows) to see that there ARE some folks who should be locked up, never to return (probably about 33% of ’em are our elected officials). So, since I believe we need some form of government, how would we GET people to fill the offices that are now elective? A national LOTTERY! Sort of like the Selective Service Act… or jury duty! Some minimum qualifications, depending on the “weight” of the office… college, perhaps, for some, high school for others. Term limits would no longer be an issue, because I believe most people would NEVER want another “term”, if this were structured right. Their time in office would be set so they could have a chance of succeeding at some of their goals; but most would breathe a distinct sigh of relief when their time was up.

The most important part (in my mind, anyway) of this whole process would be government that WAS “of, by & for” the PEOPLE! I’m sure it wouldn’t be easy – but then, anything worth having requires a bit of pain/sacrifice. We currently talk about “apathy” in the process… of COURSE… we hold no STAKE in the end-run! Change the system to something along the lines I’m proposing, and we would ALL have a LOT more interest in ensuring that the processes involved in government were as economical and humane as they possibly could be.

One other distinct benefit would be realized, as well… ALL of the money previously used for the current (corrupt) system could be put to use to BENEFIT the nation – maybe even other parts of the world.

I’m no genius, but even an idiot could see that where we are right now – is NOWHERE! Let’s get smart and throw AWAY this horrible system we have in place now!




Rotcod Zzaj






Out from under

pulling out


blind rage


depress completely

follow and remove

the reality of pain


c John Dorsey

The Egotist on a First Date

I’ve Talked Enough, What Do YOU Think of



















c Mary Winters






men without a face





c John Dorsey

Blind Faith


If I could see fear,

Then that would be my shadow.

If I feard my shadow

Then that would be my soul,l

And I would be blind.




c John Dorsey

How The Star Got Inside The Trapiche Emerald

Raw music was her gift

Beauty like the ache of language

A green twice as true

as all grassland swirls

stretched among sea

on her cloud-draped planet

He swore to make her the eye of God

Ezekiel’s wheel

queen of the night in this arc of space

She says: I a stone and you a star

He says: I a glint and you a focus

She says: Stars so rarely enter us

She is stillness;

he wrenches a hole in the sky

Here this crystalline iris, open

Here the blaze as he falls to his life


c Nancy Berg















































c Mary Winters



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