Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How can I get reviewed in Improvijazzation Nation?

It’s easy – send an email with a link to a download .zip file (DROPBOX, HIGHTAIL, etc.) that contains all your songs, promo material and cover art (albums without cover art will not be reviewed) to me at for review consideration, or snail a package to me at Dick Metcalf, 4714 39th Ave SE, Lacey, WA 98503

Do you review everything that gets submitted?

NO!  There are far too many submissions to be able to review everything I get sent; I’m looking for HIGH-energy and HIGH-talent; genre doesn’t matter, but if your songs & playing don’t have (what I call) a high “energy quotient”, or “EQ”, they won’t get a review – so be sure to send only your best material!

I have a new album that needs to be reviewed right AWAY; how can I get that done?

We have just started up a new site called CONTEMPORARY FUSION REVIEWS… we provide both EXPEDITED and EXPANDED review services there; you do NOT have to do this to get a review – once I’ve added you to my QUEUE, you WILL be reviewed, though it may take a while due to the number of submissions I get every month.  Before I started this service, artists were making contributions to IMPROVIJAZZATION NATION to keep it going – now, with this extra level of service, they will actually get something for their donation… see the FAQ at CONTEMPORARY FUSION REVIEWS to get more information