Get Tribal – RADIO GOD (*Special Review from Rotcod Zzaj)



Get Tribal – RADIO GOD:  The music on this deeply moving album uses drums to help you “align”body, while energizing spirit (much like Yoga) with the sounds of the universe.  Creator Kari Hohne is an expert in many things, but it’s clear that her focus has been music for a long time!  She starts her performances with “GUIP Sunrise“, a prayer-themed Mellotron-led piece that moves majestically from beat to solid chords and full-bodied washes that will awaken the potential in your own spirit.  Tunes like “BEJA Elegant Flow” are percussion-based, but with a Baroque-style tune that caught my attention immediately… you’ll find yourself hitting the “repeat” button on this one quite often.


The 4:51 title track, “RADIO GOD Into the Outerworld“, will enhance your meditations in ways you’ve never imagined before… it’s one of the most solid compositions for this genre of music I’ve ever heard… Kari expresses her inner self quite nicely on this piece & you’ll find yourself loving the mood she creates for you with this “almost-techno” tune.


Kari’s work with dream-analysis meshes flawlessly with her musical talent on pieces like my personal favorite of the ten tunes offered up on this release, the spiritually cleansing “KSHEN Remove the Red Dust“, which fuses traditional Chinese, spaghetti Western and Asian blues/funk mixes to give you something funky in a totally different manner than you’re used to; she described this (in the liner notes) as “the fine wine of Kirtan funk”, a totally apt description of the sonic experience you will have while listening to this great tune.


As many readers here know, I listen to a lot of different styles of music, and can say (without qualification) that Kari’s new release (slated for October 6th, 2015)  is one of the best fusions of world/New Age/cosmic music that I’ve heard over my many years of reviewing music.  I give her a MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, with an “EQ” (energy quotient) rating of 4.99.  Get more information on this fine album at Radio God.        Rotcod Zzaj