Issue # 162 Zzajrant

I’ve been negligent over the last few issues, I guess, in not writing/posting all the feature pages we had in our earlier issues!  My “ZzajRants”, for instance, have pretty much fallen victim to an overwhelming amount of music submissions, doctor’s appointments and other day-to-day thingies that tend to get in the way of doing what needs to be done!

Something that’s been on my mind for the last few weeks, though, surely merits a bit of ranting… this year’s Olympia Experimental Music Festival (OEMF) is set to begin at 8:00 pm this coming Friday… the lineup for this year is just as fantastic it has been for the past 22 years, and I expect to see many of you there as I do a bit of live-show reviewing, assistance with the gate/door & all of those kinds of things.

What is disturbing me most, though, is that there are so FEW supporters for this year’s funding campaign… in past years, the festival has met (or exceeded) the modest goals set to help pay for the venues, pay the artists, pay for posters & festival booklets & all the other things that must be done to make something like this happen!  This year, as of this writing, the goal is only $1500, but thus far, has only received $311… so, I’m writing this post to ask any/all who are fans of this creative music to simply CLICK on the link below and make a donation to help OEMF to meet that goal – we NEED your help, please (you can also click on the image to view the video for this year’s festival):