Improvijazzation Nation, Issue # 104
Issue # 104 is now ARCHIVED, due to space issues on WORDPRESS. Click HERE to view the archived page. Here are a few of the things you’ll find in this issue:
INTERVIEW – I’m happy to announce that we’ve got an interview with fantastic keyboardist/synth player Ben Dowling… it was a beautiful process, totally spontaneous; only took about 2 days to “nail it”, and you’ll surely enjoy Ben’s insights on playing, recording and creating.
The ZzajRANT page for this issue has some words about my latest “medical adventures”; Gourd-a-might-ee, gettin’ “old” suggz!
Evermore exciting MUSIC reviews (We have over 25 splendid new reviews in this issue… there will be many more reviews in upcoming issues, as I start to write up all the wonderful music I’ve been receiving via the nets for DDR (digital download review); you’ll find a much stronger focus on “home-grown” players over the next few issues.
Artists like The Dom Minasi String Quartet,
Lin McPhillips
…and Ben Woolman
Rotcod Zzaj